Sunday, April 29, 2012

Weekend in Newport

We got a late start on Saturday because we finally had to give up on our dinghy outboard motor and take it to a shop in Newport.   "I'll do my best" is all we could get to the question of when we might ever see our motor again.   So for a while, any dinghy travel will be with row power.

Despite starting late, we thought we might try to get out of Newport Harbor and out into the main sound - possible for a trip to Point Judith, RI. 

The wind was pretty brisk when we started and it picked up more and more as we started out the channel.  We were doing 7kts with both sails reefed and having a pretty wet and wild ride.  We had asked our friends Lori and Todd in Newport if they would join us today.  Once we got out there, we realized that today was not a good day for someone's first sail.


The further out we went, the bigger the rolling waves got and a few big ones broke near the Bow.  I wanted to turn around but Linda (Ms. "I just got back from the BVI and we sailed in worse than this for 5 days") wanted to go a little further.   So we did and it was great and the boat did just fine


After some of that fun we turned around and headed north under the bridge where things would be a little more protected.   Even up in there it got pretty windy.  Right after I took this video with my phone, Linda noticed that the dinghy had flipped upside down and we had been dragging it that way for a while.  I guess without the engine attached they can get airborne pretty easily.   Luckily both oars stayed attached through all that punishment.

A couple of J/30s racing new Newport Bridge

The weekend forecast was for some great wind but temperature in the 50s both days.  We bundled up for this.

After that great sail, we rowed the dinghy to a dock we had no permission to be on and walked around the town.  Linda used her excellent Networking skilz to get permission to leave our dinghy near Fujin during the week.  It only cost us a bottle of Rum (how appropriate).

The very first night we ever spent on Fujin was in Newport Harbor three years ago when we brought her home for the first time from Bristol.  It was cold then, but not quite as cold as this time.  We brought extra blankets and we were fine.

First breakfast on Fujin for 2012
The next morning, we got up and had our breakfast right on the boat.  It was so nice out, we didn't even bother taking the dinghy to shore.  We went out right away for a sail.  We even sailed off the mooring ball.  I chucked a PFD overboard so Linda could show me how good she was after her BVI class.

Newport Morning
First charter
It was so nice out today that we thought maybe we would try again and see if our friends would join us.  They agreed so pulled up to the fuel dock (with no permission again) and they boarded.  We took them out the channel toward the sound (where we had so much fun the day before) and things started picking up again a little.  We wanted to take it easy on our first-timers so we turned around and we all learned how to Gybe.  At one point, the breeze totally died and then picked up again very fast from about 40 degrees different direction than it was last time, so we also got to experience an accidental Gybe.

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